Tom Waits - Alternate version of Mule Variations
Being a big fan of Tom Waits' work, I, since the release of the album, really disliked some songs on his Mule Variations album. To make it easier for myself to listen to the whole album, I created an alternate version of it. I did this initially just for my own listening pleasure, but trying to write a music blog now, I thought it might be interesting sharing my version of the album. So what I did, is remove some of the songs I didn't like (e.g. Pony, House Where Nobody Lives) and add the B-side Buzz Flederjon, which I think is one of the greatest songs from the sessions. Also I rearranged the song order, and I did some editing on the beginning and end of some songs to make the album flow nicely. I turned it into one big (95mb) MP3 file which you can download below. Enjoy it (or don't) and if you like to add a comment, please do!
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