Friday, January 21, 2011

Radiohead - Scotch Mist Webcast

On October 10nd 2007 Radiohead shook Record Industry Fairytale land by releasing their new studio album by offering it as download at any price, yes, also for £ 0.0. People still talk about this revolutionary approach. That In Rainbows, the name of the album, was in fact a marvelous record is something that people seemed to forget discussing. I remember listening to the album the first time, a mind blowing experience. I followed Radiohead since Kid A/Amnesiac and it seemed to me that everything I like about Radiohead was somehow summarized on In Rainbows. House Of Cards almost made me cry... 

Anyway, on new years eve 2007, Radiohead performed their new album on a webcast called Scotch Mist from their Oxford studios. You can watch the whole thing here (and of course on Radiohead's You Tube channel, were this is linked from). The performance is great, kind of raw compared to the album and you can grab the audio from the webcast here. Once again, enjoy!

1. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
2. Bodysnatchers
3. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
4. 15 Step
5. Videotape
6. Reckoner
7. House Of Cards
8. All I Need
9. Faust Arp (Jonny & Thom outside on a hill)
10. Nude


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